
Date: 2016-04-24 17:41:54
Some new stuff!---Pe by Ittermat

Hey atrocitians! We're still busily at work on all the new stuff! You'll also notice theres a new theme on the site! YAY!!! We're gonna use it as the base theme- and then change it for holidays and whatnot. <3

We are going to be uploading the new cataris soon, and in doing so will delete all the ones currently on the site- this will also happen when we update the houndas and the feesh. The new pets will still drop items- ^__^ but you wont have to get to the second generation for them to do so.

~There is now a limit to the amount of pets you can have... you start out with 50 slots for pets- and you can upgrade it to up to 100 slots using a new item found in Account upgrades

~You will also either be able to choose a random pet (which will be free) or create a custom pet (which you choose the traits) its not up yet but when it is- the first two will be free of charge then you will need to buy an item  to go to the lab again to create another one. There will also be specific addons/mutations only available for holidays/events.

~Lets see...what else? We've done some small tweaks and things...and we're still working hard! I guess thats all for now then!

~Till next time!


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