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Confused On Many Areas
Hi there everyone. Is this still heavily under construction?  I've been trying to navigate around the game. I'm struggling to find other users with adoptable to click. 

I guess this might be suggestions, or might be questions of if they already exist, or possibly even bugs??
-Apparently I bought energy? Lol. With Candy? What is that energy for? Also, if candies are difficult to get currencies, there probably should be an "are you sure" lol. I'm clicking blindly

-Is there another way to raise your pets other than clicks? I have a feeling it will be kinda hard to encourage people to click. Every time I'm online, I'm the only one Sad 

-Did you know that if you are typing in the forums, and you go to another tab, sometimes when you return it repeats your text in your post. Lol that probably shouldn't happen.

-I clicked on the "backyard" of the house, and it just says my pet is exploring....My pet is an egg lol.

Lol I feel so lost!!

Also, is Atrocity looking for help in programming or anything? I see that there is no mobile version. Have you considered setting up your site to be more responsive to smaller screens?
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Hello! let me answer your questions to the best of my ability!

1. Candy is not hard to obtain XD There are alot of ways to get it- whether thats from the Daily currency page, from events, or playing the win big lose big wheel in the casino.

1a. Energy is for your fave pet. when you have one chosen it will talk to you and find you items as you explore the site- certain breeds of pet find some specific items for you... but alot of them they all will find.

2. there is. You can buy the potions from potters potion shop. Im usually around too- one day im hoping we have more folks around but for now we arent super busy. You can also scroll down the index page to find many other pets there. (random and top) as well as the rest of the actual index.

3. I did not know it did that. XD Weird.

4. is it letting you do that without a permit? if so I need to look into that.

5. we can always use help with programming, Im not a coder.. I just do what I can where I can.

Also to answer the original question at the top- yes. we are under construction- lol. It says so on the front page.. "Atrocity is being worked on" we technically arent really even in alpha yet- And its a side project sort of site so we dont have specific times for updates.. Or anything. no schedule. we just do as we do.

But we are also using mysidias framework- so Im not sure if you know how to use that... but thats what we're using-(and I dont plan to change it) I seem okay using it on my phone when I do.. my life partner does too- we werent originally made to be on a phone honestly.. XD If theres an easier way to make it work on mobile that would be nice.. but we werent originally created to be used on a phone.
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Oh lol. Thank you for the info.

Lol the backyard just says exploring . I don't have any actions available.

If you would like some assistance I would be happy to help, mostly available on weekends. If you have an idea of a feature, I can try to build it on a secondary development server and let you review it there. At the time I do not know a lot aboutMysidia framework but have started learning on it.

I mostly work with jquery, sql and oop php.
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(03-04-2021, 10:30 PM)LostInEscape Wrote: Oh lol. Thank you for the info.

Lol the backyard just says exploring . I don't have any actions available.

If you would like some assistance I would be happy to help, mostly available on weekends. If you have an idea of a feature, I can try to build it on a secondary development server and let you review it there. At the time I do not know a lot aboutMysidia framework but have started learning on it.

I mostly work with jquery, sql and oop php.

I'll have to look into the backyard. XD Its not supposed to let you in if you dont have the permit.

And yea I'll definately get ahold of you-
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What about garden, oven and similar? I see those options but they are not available for me
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(10-05-2021, 06:47 PM)StarBoy Wrote: What about garden, oven and similar? I see those options but they are not available for me

The house items you need a permit to use them- You can buy permits from Account upgrades.

the garden, Orchard and Farm (yours in the personal menu.) are not finished yet.
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