
Date: 2023-02-19 15:05:00
Some updates- Eves maid service by Ittermat

Hello atrocititans! I've been busy!
And will continue to be for forever lol! any way- I've been doing some minor updates-
I've been working on changing pages over to be PHP so we can do some more stuff on them. I've been updating areas- I've been doing things- For example now you can only run into certain enemies by being on certain pages. for example the dragonsnake and slimes are on the base pages. (Index, main map, and forum) and the ghosts are in the cemetary. I hope to do this better/make a better way for this later- but for now this is what we've got. I made myself a list of things I need to do/work on.. theres one on the Discord server that I admit I update faster/more- and one in the forums-

I fixed pet sickness values- do please let me know if pets get sick too fast still- (not including when you have a super dirty house).
I added that too- I updated houses a bit- you can now make houses dirty by using them, and you have to clean them. sometimes you can find money or find an enemy to fight!

There is now also a maid service you can pay for each week-
Its in the pet care menu-

this is where you meet Eve- She is willing to take care of your pets all week (they update at the beginning of the day) And Clean your house for you each hour.

all you have to do is hire her and she'll take care of the rest!

You can even check in to see whats going on if you return to the page while you have her hired!
mind you the images are a work in progress so they arent all there.. lol.. (same with the house cleaning)

Alright! back to work! Till next time my darlings!!


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