
Date: 2016-05-28 04:37:18
Stats, personalities, etc 5-27-2016 by Ittermat

Hello Atrocitians!!! Hope you're all doing well! We're still busy and hard at work!

So what updates do we have for you today?

Pets now have stats!

As you can see theres 4 of them, closeness, happiness, Hunger, and thirst!

Guess what else this means? It means items actually have a use! and they all have been changed to do something if it was needed..^__^

You'll also notice the new personalities! These will actually matter later on, For example a Shy pet wont talk as much and will not find as many items... a Cruel pet will have higher attack and defense (when we add battling and such), A Greedy pet will have their happiness and hunger deplete faster... and so on...but for now? they're just an enhancement.

Theres also a new plushie in camerons toys- one of our awesome coder Restless!

Back to the new stats-- If you let your pets stats reach Zero- they will run away... you can avoid this by freezing them, or when we add it on- putting them in storage... once they run away you will have a set amount of time to be able to bring them back home at a price...or you can let them continue to wander the wilderness and eventually perish... up to you.

we're still working on battling, and tweaking other things on the site!

ALSO Dont forget about the raffle!!!

~Till next time!


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