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Full Version: Pet paint master list-
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This is the master list of possible upcoming pet paints- feel free to comment ideas we can add to the list!
  • - made of paper/cardboard
  • - made of snow/ice
  • - made of mist
  • - made of fire/smouldering dark embers/lava
  • - metallic like liquid mercury or gallium, can call it Quicksilver
  • - made of food (fruit/veg/bread or chocolate/honey/sweets?)
  • - constellations
  • - skeletons, maybe with transparent bodies/organs
  • - masquerade, ballgowns etc
  • - butterfly patterns and wings
  • - STEAMPUNK how did I not think of that earlier, do it do it
  • - diagram drawn on old paper, like The Vitruvian Man by da Vinci
  • - storm clouds, lightning bolts
  • - swirly markings with planets or moons or rings orbiting them, Saturn-like
  • - patchwork plushy toys
  • - code, Matrix etc. Write some random snippets of glowing PHP or HTML around their bodies
  • - dragonish, give them scales etc... or obvious dragon-suits to wear, for comedy